People much more knowledgeable than I have analyzed the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare and have voiced their uncertainty on the effect it will have on the law and on the upcoming election.
We all should remember the corrption and bribery that were needed to gain passage of the law--without a single vote to spare. Many of the most vocal supporters of Obamacare were rewarded with waivers and other favors. Since then waivers have been granted to every thing from certain states to AARP and strip clubs in Nancy Pelosi's district. Congress enacted a law that will force some companies out of business while leave many of Obama's friends free of those costs and penalties associated with the act.
Before the court's ruling it was generally believed that the mandate, forcing individuals to buy insurance or pay a fine, was unconstitutional because Congress claimed authority under the commerce clause .Under
the Obama interpretation of the clause, Americans could be forced to do anything, such as buying health insurance, or not allowed to do anything as harmless as planting turnip greens.
While the court allowed the mandate to buy insurance to remain as a tax, the court did rule that the commerce clause does not give absolute control of a person's every activity to the administration. That at least is a victory..
We all should remember the corrption and bribery that were needed to gain passage of the law--without a single vote to spare. Many of the most vocal supporters of Obamacare were rewarded with waivers and other favors. Since then waivers have been granted to every thing from certain states to AARP and strip clubs in Nancy Pelosi's district. Congress enacted a law that will force some companies out of business while leave many of Obama's friends free of those costs and penalties associated with the act.
Before the court's ruling it was generally believed that the mandate, forcing individuals to buy insurance or pay a fine, was unconstitutional because Congress claimed authority under the commerce clause .Under
the Obama interpretation of the clause, Americans could be forced to do anything, such as buying health insurance, or not allowed to do anything as harmless as planting turnip greens.
While the court allowed the mandate to buy insurance to remain as a tax, the court did rule that the commerce clause does not give absolute control of a person's every activity to the administration. That at least is a victory..