Monday, September 24, 2012

Coal burning plants to be shut down

Obama can be faulted for not keeping his commitments to improve the economy and allow the private sector to create jobs, but he is well on his way to his promise -- or threat -- to eliminate coal fired electric  generating plants. Recently, it was projected that 200 coal fired plants will be eliminated within three to five years.  Causes are more and tougher EPA regulations and the recent abundance and comparative low cost of natural gas.

Several coal mines are being shut down, throwing thousands of   miners out of work, and if Obama has his way our large deposits of coal will become worthless.  The president's apparent distaste (read that hate) of fossil fuels and love affair with windmills and sun panels will cost  home owners and industries painfully in higher utility bills.  That is another promise by Obama.

Through taxes, penalties and regulations, the government can not only make a company non-competitive, it can take jobs from millions of people.  Folks, this country is facing more than a few dangers. Let's do all we can to meet them.

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